Laver Cup, the second edition

The Hague is an international city and Leimonias is a fairly international tennis club, so what could be more natural than having an internal international tournament? Edition II of our own Leimonias Laver Cup, ‘Internationals versus “Dutchies”’, was once again an extremely successful afternoon of tennis in September.

Team leaders Danielle for the Dutchies and Team Marie-Hélène & Patrick for the Internationals drew up a match programme together for more than 40 participants and: Team Internationals won!!! Was it perhaps because they had ‘borrowed’ players from the Dutch camp?

Either way, this tournament will take place again next year, so keep your eyes peeled and register then!!

It was organized by a small group of enthusiasts from the Internationals Committee. Would you like to join? We are open to new ideas and initiatives. Please contact

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